Monday, May 24, 2010

Big Kid

I'm trying to be a Big Kid.
I WILL learn how to write HTML.
I WILL NOT be defeated by strings of letters strung together in an effort to hurt my head.

I will reign supreme over all these little lettters. There will be no anarchy!
Ilona Andrews, a fave author, shall prove me right!

Just flipped over to the 'edit HTML' tab... after linking Ms Andrews, author supreme, up to her website.
HTML and I, we'll stick to shortcuts. Perhaps next time.

Day 2

So technically it is day two of bonding between me and my blog.
(32 minutes into Day two - but that is just being picky)

So far I have managed to change my background to one that isn't a pale and limpid princess pink.
Figure out how to customize background
Add Good Reads to Gadgets
Order books so I have something new to read (Anyone who creates a time machine so I can hurry up publishing dates - well there'll be something in it for you ;)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Alas and Alack, oh Woe is me...
Ugh. Back to the blogging.
This is my second go around - I've tried once before, let's just say already I have made it further than the first time.
I'm going to try to keep the forward momentum - but first must go play with layout. Shiny.